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My Life in Show Business

Mar 31, 2020

John Allen returns with what is.

Mar 22, 2020

John Allen returns with what is.

Mar 17, 2020

John Allen returns with what is:


0:00 Not releasing pods.


1:00 Practice.


2:00 Good conversation is what people like to listen to on podcasts.


4:00 Each play took 7 years to write: a perfectionist.


8:00 10 second gap - NOT AN EDIT ! WE NEVER EDIT !


10:00 I know when I hear it whether it works.


13:00 I...

Mar 14, 2020

John Allen returns with what is:


1:00 Sitting two metres apart.


4:00 Vitamin C.


6:00 You don’t want to discuss it because we might have to do it.


8:00 Judging the toilet paper and hand sanitizer hoarders.


13:00 In America everyboy’s got a gun.


16:00 Esselstyn Diet: off of diabetes medication in five...

Mar 12, 2020

John Allen returns with what is:


0:00 Canada is one of the first countries to test CoVid19 early and aggressively.


5:00 This beautiful thing we’ve created: Government.


11:00 Thieves Oil.


14:00 Coffee Break: Batman mug.


15:00 Talking about your day.


18:00 What Would John Allen Say?


21:00 Vitamin C.