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My Life in Show Business

Jan 16, 2020

0:00 The Introduction | Tinsel/Tinder | Doing the Dishes | 3:45 Why is anyone going to listen to this? To be entertained | A relationship with one person | Because of the gatherings after the show | The Boys on the Bus | 9:00 Fighting over labels | Jealous of the Ex | 13:00 I shouldn’t be choking | Vulnerability brings people in | 15:00 Czech mate | 18:00 Dad | 10 Year Old Scotch | 26:00 Why I’m doing this - entertaining people | 27:00 The Car | 29:00 The Hard Drive | 31:00 Losing it on the Coach | 36:00 What trips you go on | 37:00 The underclass on the subway bone tired | 39:00 Charging for counselling | My ex-girlfriend who charges for everything | the years I’ve been asleep | the Gym | 48:00 Ending it - workers crisis | 50:00 Out of control growth is called cancer | 51:00 Angry at people who want to do better | 52:00 Good Ending Part 1 | 59:00 Jamaica and dancing | Jagger and how white people dance | 1:06:00 We don’t belong here | 1:09:00 Much Ado About Nothing - my life completely fucked up | 1:10:00 Shmarmy ending | 1:11:00 Married guys doing the wife’s agenda | 1:15:00 Not a good ending | Desperate Sports Insert: Mourinho, offense, and the Baltimore Ravens | If you’re thinking about what the coach wants you’re not playing the game | 1:25:00 Learning how to manipulate people: Engagement Theory | The Good Soldier | My own transaction